Perfect Moment – No whiners or quitters

Perfect Moment Monday with Lori at LavenderLuz.  A time to reflect on the crazy, chaotic and possibly disappointing times of the past month and realize the one moment when all was right in your world.

I started blogging not quite two years ago.  The result of not so gentle nudging by dear friends who insisted, after hearing the tales of my daily chaos, that I needed to start a blog.  A what?  I didn’t know much about blogs let alone writing my own.

Trust me, they said, this is good stuff.  You have funny kids and a compelling story.  If you write, they will read.  “You think so?”  “Yes, I know so,” was her response.  And with that I jumped into the deep end, with no life jacket and began to doggy paddle upstream through the blogosphere.

On a not particular schedule I began blogging away about Johnny, his brothers, and our Madeline.  Much to my surprise, it began to take on a little life of its own.  “Hey!” this blogging thing is kind of fun, I thought.  So, I blogged on.

I was holding up my end of the bargain by writing but the readers must have lost the memo on their end, because, well, the readers, they were playing hard to get.  That term “viral”, yeah, you know the one…has not happened.  No one has died of the funny and had to tell millions of their “friends” about what is happening with Johnnypsmom at Life According to John.

Offers to publish Johnny’s wit and wisdom, have not been rolling in.  But that’s okay because he has his own little cult following that he doesn’t even know or care about for that matter.

For the most part I have just continued to entertain myself, if no one else.  And if I questioned my own motives or direction I could hear my Dad’s voice in my head echoing the words I heard for 40 plus years, “I did not raise a whiner, quitter or complainer, so on I blogged.

 Then I got braver and hooked up with a few blog hops and even made blogger friends.  “What’s the secret?”  I would ask.  “There is no secret, just keep writing.”  Don’t give up, just keep writing.  Eventually opportunities will come your way.  For me?  I really began to question this line of thinking as I dove further over my head into the blogosphere.

Then one day I got really, really Brave and BOLD, and with additional cheerleading from Kathy  at  Bereaved and Blessed and others, I took a piece I wrote, made 4 copies and took myself over to parts unknown, Virginia to audition for the 2013 Listen to Your Mother-DC  show.  With a deer in the headlights look about me and fueled by anxiety,  I proceeded to read for a coveted part in the 12 person cast.

After a nerve-wracking twelve days of waiting , I had my perfect moment, one of a lifetime: 

Announcing the 2013 LTYM DC Cast!  And there was my name, on the list!  I am honored and thrilled to be a part of this show.  To have my voice be heard.

I guess my friend was right, after all, write it and the readers will read.  And, of course, Dad was right..”Don’t quit, Ames.”  “Nothing will happen if you quit.”

So, here I am, a non-quitter who wrote.   Dear readers I hope to see all 10 of you on April 28, 2013, to hear my voice and all 12 voices as we give a shout out to Motherhood!  Never know, could end up being your perfect moment to.


Filed under Johnny P, Just Because...

16 responses to “Perfect Moment – No whiners or quitters

  1. I’m so excited for you! You’re a great writer! I almost chickened out on auditioning here, too…but you encouraged me to do it. That’s my favorite part about blogging- the people you meet. Being encouraged by strangers to do more. I love you for it.

    • Lexi, Thank you so much! Wow! What a wonderful compliment! DO NOT chicken out! You will be more than amazing. You are the real deal. I love your writing, you inspire, you make me think, and laugh, and cry. Agreed, the people that we meet are some of the best. They have truly kept me going. I have connected with people who truly understand. Like a big block party!

  2. “Blog on!” <— that has gotten me through many a hard day. So excited to share this experience with you. Also glad to know I wasn't the only deer caught in those headlights.

  3. So, so excited to meet you and do this with you! Fantastic post!

  4. So excited to work with you on this Amy!

  5. I was so excited to see your name on the list! Here’s to Dadisms from our wise dads.


  6. This is a truly perfect moment and I feel blessed and lucky to have played a part in it. Though the reason for our connection is so bittersweet, I am grateful for the friendships, including ours, that have been born out of the deaths of our dear children who left this world much too soon.

    You are going to rock that stage on April 28th and I so wish I could be there in person to hear you read your awesome piece. But know that I will be there in spirit, just like I was on the day you auditioned, cheering you on from Chicago and I can’t wait to see the video!

    I am so happy for you and even though I don’t get to be in the 2013 Chicago cast, I am glad to be living vicariously through you this time around. Kudos to you and all the ways your life honors the legacy of sweet Madeline. I know how proud of you she is, not to mention your adorable and fun-loving living children, xoxo

  7. Congratulations! Excited to share this experience with you and looking forward to meeting you at rehearsal! 🙂

  8. Jeanne

    Ames, you are more than awesome. i am so proud of my friend ames! Your dad is crackin up and smilin from ear to ear to hear your memories of him. I think I am getting on megabus websit tonight to see about a ticket. April 28? right?
    Love you Jeanne

  9. Wow, that’s really great news. Congratulations from this part of the world, India!

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