My Say

Today, like many others, is very bittersweet.  Filled with too many emotions that drive me to distraction.  All around the talk of the Big Snowstorm.   So, here I sit, in  a daze, waiting for the big one to hit.  I have a stocked fridge, pantry and a really good bottle of red if it really hits the fan.  Cabin fever, that is…

Snowstorms sound so romantic, nostalgic, and kind of like a Hallmark Network feelgood movie.  Images of making warms soups, hot cocoa and sitting by a roaring fire.  Your wholesome snacking  enhanced by playing board games and putting together puzzles with your family.  Only taking a break from the warmth and hilarity to dash out and frolic together in the snow.  

I wonder where that family lives?  Because as soon as I get their address I’m heading over while the roads are still clear.

If and when this epic March snowstorm hits I’m guessing the Hallmark movie playing in my head is not the same Reality show that will play out in my home.  Yes, there will be lots of snacks.  Mainly me stuffing myself with chips and diet coke to ensure my sanity.  The warm delicious soups I want to make will only be consumed by me.  Because as Johnny likes to tell me, “me and my brothers only eat good food.”  If you can’t compete with Kraft Dinner and Tombstone Pizza I find it best to just wave the white flag and carry on.  Plus, all that homemade goodness warms my tummy and fills me with fortifying vitamins until a respectable time comes that I may, shall we say, partake of a bottle I’ve been saving for just the right moment.  That moment would be the moment just before my last nerve ending pops through my skin and my Hallmark movie turns into a Simpsons episode.

I don’t care how much space you live in, a lot of testosterone is just that…A LOT!

The brothers are, of course, excited about the possibility of a snowstorm!  Well, a SNOW DAY.  But really, who doesn’t enjoy a good snowday!  They are full of possibilities.  Like I said, when I find out where that family lives, I will let everyone know.

I would be excited just to be able to stay in my jammies and not pack lunches.

It has been a couple of years since we have enjoyed a good snow storm.  This predicted storm would be so simple.  All that I require I already have at my disposal.  I should be filled with anticipation, excitement, and a warm cozy feeling… right?  But I am not.

My heart does not feel light.  Something very heavy is sitting on my chest and is causing my constant ache to begin to throb.

For the last big snowstorm jammies and wine were not even on the list.  My list consisted of ensuring that all durable medical equipment in the house was fully charged.  That all trachs and supplies were fully stocked and all oxygen tanks ready to go, if necessary.  Checklists like, did we let the Utility company and Fire Department know that we have a child with a trach in case power goes out or our street becomes inpassible?  And then the moving of a mattress and all medical equipment to the family room to be ready for when the night nurse calls to say she cannot make it to our house and we are “on”.

That was the last snowstorm I remember.  It was nerve wracking.  It was scary.  It was exhausting.  And I want it back.

I want to still be that Mommy.  That Mommy that has a Baby Girl with an extra chromosome and all that comes with her.  All the extra  that made Madeline…Madeline.  It was hard work and she kept me going 24/7.  And I miss every damn bit of it, every damn minute of the day.  And yes, I would do it again.  And NO, I did not like my baby girl to suffer, to undergo all of the surgeries and other poking and proding but I miss HER.  I just do.  It is that simple…and that complicated.

Try as I might I am having a very difficult time finding a new occupation.  Someone forgot to ask if I was interested in getting a new job when the angels were sent to carry her home.  They forgot to ask if  I had my resume together.  Because the answer is no.  The answer remains no.

Really, someone should ask before they take the best job you ever had, and with no words spoken, inform you it is your last day.  Your services are no longer needed.    Because if they had I would have said, please let me stay.   I will do whatever is required and more.  I’ll be on call 24/7 and never strike.   I’ll work for snuggles and rasberry kisses and will not demand a raise.  Let my bonus be watching her first steps and her first day of school.  Let my vacation in the sun be the illuminating smile on her precious face.

But no one ever asked…so I never got to say.


Filed under Just Because..., Precious Baby Girl

Friday Fun – That’s Entertainment

Not to date myself, but what is that Loverboy use to sing about?  Everybody’s Working for the Weekend?  Yeah, that’s the one.  Get everybody all pumped and ready to rock.  Uuuhhh, I DO NOT talk like this, EVER, but seems like the right attitude for some much-needed Friday Fun!  Plus it makes me sound kind of “hip”.  Alas, I know that not to be true as my Dear Niece was kind enough to point out…the quickest way to know you ARE NOT “hip” is to, in fact, use the word, “hip.”  And since all of the “Adults” I keep company with also spend their days with 5 to 13 year olds, taking groups of 30 parochial school children to Stations of the Cross, we might be working at a “hipster” deficit.  Plus a few such friends were last seen wearing Dr. Seuss hats in honor of the Beloved Author’s birthday, so we  got that going for us…

But the week got off to a Rockin start.  There I was, my head soaring in the clouds, still not down from the excitement of being cast in the 2013 DC – Listen to Your Mother show.  Thinking, THIS IS IT!!  Things are coming around, I can’t believe my luck.  Gonna start a whole new lifestyle, you know red carpets, paparrazi…restaurants that take reservations.  I got so full of this idea I even had a photographer take my picture.  Well, actually, I had to send one in for the “show”and when you are a Mom, you don’t ever really have a picture of yourself.  At least one that won’t scare the general population.

But my point, I actually had somewhat of a photo session.  Yep, fancy lighting, flashing the pearly whites, striking a pose.  Definitely, a new beginning…


Because just as soon as I finished striking a pose, I had to hurry, put on my practical corduroy’s, and hull myself over to “the school” to do some emergency substitute “teaching” in Kindergarten.  Nothing brings you down to reality faster than getting 30 five-year olds to the bathroom, hands washed, divided into 2 groups, art bags in hand, to go to “art” and “computer.”  Followed by teaching the “horrors” of not taking care on one’s teeth.  Really, it’s a priceless experience.  Especially when you are privy to such tidbits as “Little Billy” telling me he had just had his “privates x-rayed” at the Doctor, and “everything was OK, good job!”  The only thing better was hearing him repeat this to every other adult in the school.  That, Dear Readers is entertainment you can’t get just anywhere.  So, I best not disclose the location, or you will all be beatin down the door, trying to steal my job.  You know you want to.

That fun is only followed by the “how many kids can you fit in an Expedition” game.  At least I had all the “right” kids this time…take note…make sure you have the “right” kids in your car…don’t ask, just trust me on that. “How did a nail get in the tire?” of said Expedition, not such a fun game,   Would have filled you in earlier in the week but had  received a series of e-mails from “The Teacher” that the “The Little Brother” was melting down like a block of ice on a hot summer day at school.  Last seen sobbing his way into  Spanish.  Wonder if Kelly Rippa has days like this?

But it gets more real…the real low light..BANNED… from a 7th grade school function.  Yep, you read correctly, The Big Brother did not want the honor of my presence at the Science Fair.  Turns out I make him nervous.  I respected his wishes and slid in the back door.  Hey, I’m not missing this, I laid low…the Nikon hanging around my neck wasn’t too obvious.  And I never yelled, THAT’S MY BABY BOY…not once.  So, yay me!

To round out my week, I spent Dr. Seuss’s birthday in 3rd grade.  No birthday cake,  to be had, bummer.  But I learned a couple of lessons.  First, NEVER let the last kid in line close the door before you check the lock, cause it is zero fun to be locked out of a room with 30 kids.  And Second, never question why Little Bobby was chasing Little Suzie across the room while throwing her folder…cause you just might start to follow the logic…and that would be frightening.  So carry on, Little Bobby…I saw nothin.

In the meantime, while Little Bobby and Suzie are going about their business, let’s get to the point.  Friday Fun  with Hilary at Feeling Beachie.  Thanks for hosting, Hilary.  I’ll make sure Bobby and Suzy don’t throw things at this here party!

Here is what the party people are wanting to know!

This week’s statements:
1. Sometimes I ___ I am ___
2. When I wear ___ I feel ____
3. When in doubt, _____________
4. The easiest way to ______________ is to ___________.

My answers to the party people:

1.  Sometimes I am shocked to look up and find that I am NOT being followed by candid camera. (yeah, that dates me!)

2.  When I wear practical corduroy I feel sure that modeling contract is pretty much NEVER going to happen.

3.  When in doubt, wear corduroy.

4.  The easiest way to get your head out of the clouds is to have reality hit you on top of it.

Besides, who needs Red Carpets when you got Substitute Teaching…Now THAT’S Entertainment, right there!  Happy Friday…Have a drink on me and may your corduroy be snappy and shoes not too sensible.



Filed under Friday Fun, Just Because...

Guest Blogger – The Little Brother

My guest blogger…The Little Brother.  Even though until today he did not know I had brown eyes, he is still watching my every move.  In his defense he explained because I am always taller than him so it has been hard to see.  But I guess this “short stuff” might be churning around in his not so wee mind because he felt the urge to “blog.”  I let him have at it.

Please give him the guest treatment and maybe a little feedback, you will make his day.

Now is your chance, he could be on the Life Coach circuit and be too busy to get back to you.

It`s Tough Being my Age and Size but we can get Through our Life.

Hi! I`m the “the little brother” and I know its tough being the yougest it`s like being the runt of the litter. It feels like nobody feels your pain and I know it. Most people think we can`t achieve much but look at James Madison he was only about 5ft. tall and he became president.Now if he did that we don`t you think we could acomplish stuff to.Don`t let those people get to you because we can do things to.It doen`t matter your age or size you can be the fastest in your class or smartest anyway.So do what you can and show what you can acomplish.Little bro out!Good luck everybody!

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Filed under Guest Blogger - Little Brother, Just Because...

Perfect Moment – No whiners or quitters

Perfect Moment Monday with Lori at LavenderLuz.  A time to reflect on the crazy, chaotic and possibly disappointing times of the past month and realize the one moment when all was right in your world.

I started blogging not quite two years ago.  The result of not so gentle nudging by dear friends who insisted, after hearing the tales of my daily chaos, that I needed to start a blog.  A what?  I didn’t know much about blogs let alone writing my own.

Trust me, they said, this is good stuff.  You have funny kids and a compelling story.  If you write, they will read.  “You think so?”  “Yes, I know so,” was her response.  And with that I jumped into the deep end, with no life jacket and began to doggy paddle upstream through the blogosphere.

On a not particular schedule I began blogging away about Johnny, his brothers, and our Madeline.  Much to my surprise, it began to take on a little life of its own.  “Hey!” this blogging thing is kind of fun, I thought.  So, I blogged on.

I was holding up my end of the bargain by writing but the readers must have lost the memo on their end, because, well, the readers, they were playing hard to get.  That term “viral”, yeah, you know the one…has not happened.  No one has died of the funny and had to tell millions of their “friends” about what is happening with Johnnypsmom at Life According to John.

Offers to publish Johnny’s wit and wisdom, have not been rolling in.  But that’s okay because he has his own little cult following that he doesn’t even know or care about for that matter.

For the most part I have just continued to entertain myself, if no one else.  And if I questioned my own motives or direction I could hear my Dad’s voice in my head echoing the words I heard for 40 plus years, “I did not raise a whiner, quitter or complainer, so on I blogged.

 Then I got braver and hooked up with a few blog hops and even made blogger friends.  “What’s the secret?”  I would ask.  “There is no secret, just keep writing.”  Don’t give up, just keep writing.  Eventually opportunities will come your way.  For me?  I really began to question this line of thinking as I dove further over my head into the blogosphere.

Then one day I got really, really Brave and BOLD, and with additional cheerleading from Kathy  at  Bereaved and Blessed and others, I took a piece I wrote, made 4 copies and took myself over to parts unknown, Virginia to audition for the 2013 Listen to Your Mother-DC  show.  With a deer in the headlights look about me and fueled by anxiety,  I proceeded to read for a coveted part in the 12 person cast.

After a nerve-wracking twelve days of waiting , I had my perfect moment, one of a lifetime: 

Announcing the 2013 LTYM DC Cast!  And there was my name, on the list!  I am honored and thrilled to be a part of this show.  To have my voice be heard.

I guess my friend was right, after all, write it and the readers will read.  And, of course, Dad was right..”Don’t quit, Ames.”  “Nothing will happen if you quit.”

So, here I am, a non-quitter who wrote.   Dear readers I hope to see all 10 of you on April 28, 2013, to hear my voice and all 12 voices as we give a shout out to Motherhood!  Never know, could end up being your perfect moment to.


Filed under Johnny P, Just Because...

We all Scream for Ice Cream

When Johnny was about three or four I took he and Little Brother to a high school production of a musical featuring Disney songs and characters.  All the greats were there, Mickey, Minnie, Ariel, Nemo, Simba.  I was prepared for a morning of dancing in our seats and little boys with big smiley faces.

THAT is not what happened.

I believe it ended up being my first lesson in “be prepared” for ANYTHING… all the time.   Because there was only one smiling face that morning, Little Brother.  Johnny, well, it was hard to get a good look at his face due to his screams of terror, his thrashing in his seat and his attempts to escape.  So, I chased him up and down much to the audience’s delight and tried to engage him in the show.  NOTHING DOING!  This was HELL and he wanted out, NOW!

That morning ended with me pacing the first of many lobbies to contain Johnny.  Little Brother watched the show in another Mom’s lap.  It might have been the first, but it was certainly not the last time this scenario played out.

Johnny was already in a Special Education pre-school class for “developmental delays” but this added to my ever-growing concern that there was more to the story.  Outings of any kind were a crap shoot.  You never knew which environment he would enjoy and which would cause him to scream bloody murder in a panic like state.

What was going on?  Too much!  That’s what was going on.  Too many people, too dark, too loud, too bright, too much music, too much clapping, too much surround sound.

The scary part, when put in these situations, he would just run, out the door, with no concern of knowing where he was or anyone around him.  He just wanted out.  So he would run and then find a place to hide.  If it was a “familiar” place, I would at least have a peace of mind to know his “go to” places.  But unfamiliar places were a nightmare.  One minute he was there, the next minute…gone.  One time we were at a tailgate party and finally found him hiding in a port a potty.  THAT’S  how much he hated crowds and noise. Those drinkers waiting in line looovvved him.  That’s okay, they weren’t the first or last to give me the you suck as a parent stare.

It seems only logical that knowing this about him, we would keep him away from any and all crowds.  Problem is, that’s extremely isolating and I thought would only eventually worsen the problem.  But the biggest reason is I wanted so badly for us to be able to do “normal” things as a family, altogether.   But ever so slowly I began to accept that this would not be the case.  Our reality was different.  One parent went on the “outing” and one stayed with Johnny or took him to a “safe” place for him.  Which, at the time, involved any place with a train.

As he has gotten older, with different behavior therapy and some better coping skills (for everyone) most outings have gotten easier.  He can also be convinced to “tolerate” a place with the promise of a “treat”.  For him, this involves pizza or ice cream.  He will do most anything for  ice cream with chocolate syrup.

But lately I have wondered who it is for.  Me or him?  And is it “fair” to him to push him into these anxiety fueled situations?  Is it helping?  Is he really learning to cope any better.  Or am I possibly causing him greater anxiety?  And is that anxiety almost fear, like “no way out, I have no way out.”

Don’t get me wrong, we do not, on a daily basis, put him in situations we know cause such stress and anxiety.  But at times, it is unavoidable.  And at times one of us quietly excuses ourselves and remove Johnny from the “too much” of whatever is stressing him out.

I have been thinking about this in relation to things or activities that I greatly dislike and cause some stress and anxiety.  For example, last week we were going as a family to watch Big Brother play basketball.  On the car ride The Captain was listening to a CD of  heavy metal music.  I HATE heavy metal music!  I thought I was going to come out of my skin!  When finally it was turned off I actually said, “Thank God!”  I hate that stuff.

And this is only an occasional occurrence for me.  Unlike Johnny, whose whole world seems to be stress inducing.

This caused me to reflect on the expectations we put on him.  In the interest of what?  And for what… Ice cream?  Because I got to thinking, I would not EVER take a ride in a car with blaring heavy metal music by choice.  And certainly not for the promise of a stinking ice cream.  

In the end we do it for him, I believe.  For his future, to help him learn to cope with a world that  seems to have an unfair advantage over Autism.   Maybe the world and autism could meet in the middle…maybe, someday, for Johnny’s sake, and not just for ice cream.

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Filed under Johnny P, Just Because...

Semi Wordless Wednesday – This Love


Story Time.

Story Time.

All you need is this kind of love!



Filed under Just Because...

Friday Fun – Let the Good Times Roll

Hilary at Feeling Beachie says it is time for some Friday Fun!  I’m in.  I’m all about the good time.   After you read, I’m sure you will agree.

Just today I had more fun than one individual should be allowed by law.  In fact, when word of my day spreads, I’m sure there will be an investigation.  You can’t go willy-nilly  living your life in such a wildin your face manner without expecting to pay the piper.  I mean, what would become of society.  We’re already in a world of hurt, state of utter mayhem, so please, after you read, keep it under wraps…please?  And thank you.

Okay, okay, I’ll stop baiting you and just get on with it.  I’m sorry I cannot give out my personal information such as address and phone numbers so you could come cavorting but like I said, we don’t need any authorities involved.  Okay, enough teasing…here goes.  Hold on to your hat!

Well, TWICE, yes I said TWICE this week I was the substitute librarian at the school.  I got to use the cool checker inner thingy.  LOVE that thing!  And I got to read to little people.  I even got a round of applause.  Yay me!  Not too bad, if I do say so myself.  They loved my dramatic interpretation of “Arthur’s Big Valentine”.    Eat your heart out, Shakespeare!

So today, with Johnny in tow, I make my grand entrance into the school.  All ready to use the checker inner thingy, sip some coffee, practice the Dewey Decimal System,  then make a dash and get Johnny to his school.  Like I said, too much fun, is just that…too much.  And just as I expected the authorities got all involved.  Yep, that’s right…The Vice Principal.  Not the total Big Guns, but big enough to know the party was over.  Cause she was waiting to inform me, that NO, I was not going to sip coffee and recite the Dewey Decimal System.  And forget about the checker inner thingy.

She told me to pack it up, cause, I was going to… say it isn’t so… to TEACH MIDDLE SCHOOL GRAMMAR.  Like I was tolding you say it ain’t so!  Just like that, without warning, I was sacrificed to the Middle School Wing where all I could see for miles (well, maybe feet) were a whole lot of kids a whole lot taller than ME!

That’s okay, though, I walk small but carry a mean stick.

And after a short time it was pretty clear that not much has changed in the Middle School classroom since I was on the other side of the desk, a few too many years ago to mention.  Yep, the game, pull one over on the sub is still alive and well.

Problem for them, I KNOW ALL THEIR NAMES.  My kid is in their class and  I know their parents phone numbers!  So, WHY, would they think I would not notice if they all sat in a different seat.  I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed but I can read a seating chart!  Geesh, some credit please!  Or like I told them…and I thought you were smart kids.

Oh yeah, and kids, if what you claimed were the teachers rules, NOBODY would hate Middle School…EVER!  Despite the social torture… with that kind of resort classroom environment, everyone would be so darn happy, having so much fun, there wouldn’t be time to mentally torture your peers!

Heck, maybe I would have even liked Middle School and even my Dear ol Dad said he never wanted me back in Middle School.  Guess I was just that delightful.  But I digress…

And another piece of exciting news…again…don’t tell the fun police…IT’S OFFICIAL… After today, I have officially subbed in every grade in the school.  From pre-school to 8th grade.  Now that’s a solid resume, right there.  But, alas, you know what they say, Jack of all trades, master of none.  Guess the party’s over.

But not until I get to the Four Friday Fill In…

This week’s statements:
1. Sometimes I _____ that is why______
2. All I ___________ for ______________ is ____________.
3. I _____________ therefore ____________.
4. McDonalds’ is _______________ and ______________.

What I have to say about all of this fun

1.  Sometimes I can’t get enough of a good time that is why I substitute teach.

2.  All I ever wanted for myself is to enjoy what I do all day.

3.  I am a twisted individual therefore I have a twisted idea of what is an enjoyable day.

4.  McDonalds’ is a perfect example of a horrible meal and I am in their drive thru on a regular basis.  Not proud, it’s just the facts.  And remember, I said I’m all about a good time.

So, with that in mind…HAVE A DRINK ON ME and LET THE GOOD TIME’S ROLL!  McDonald’s diet cokes for everyone!!!!



Filed under Friday Fun, Just Because...

Matters of the Heart

It’s that time, well, actually, past that time but I guess when it comes to doing the Time Warp, time is relative, right?  My friend Kathy at Bereaved and Blessed hosts this blog hop once a month.  She explains,  “The gist of Time Warp Tuesday is to revisit and share some of our favorite blog entries from our archives and reflect on our journeys since we wrote them.”

(To read more:

Appropriately, the theme for February is  heart.  With Valentines Day upon us the matters of the heart are all around us.  Everywhere you look is your big chance to show your affections by showering your sweetheart with Valentine sentiments.  To show them what is in your heart.  Thanks to good marketing the possibilities are endless.  Your choices  span from heart shaped pizza to donuts to chocolate, to cookies, to tasty truffles…and if you are really lucky…big gluey, sticky construction paper hearts with rough edges and cryptic messages written with the best crayon left in the school supply box.

I wish matters of the heart were always this clear.  But they are not.  The heart is delicate and can be broken.  Once broken, not easily healed.  But being a complex organ it is capable of loving beyond measure despite being cracked.

And how would it be if matters of the heart were always so clear as to be eloquently stated on a heart shaped piece of paper?

When I began my blog in May of 2010, my heart was newly shattered.  There was no “healing” taking place.  I was too numb to even consider that “h” word.

In fact, when I first began writing, the subject of such grief and pain was only mentioned as an after-thought.  You see, I was seeking only to entertain.  My intention was to write the humerous antecdotes surrounding Johnny’s adventures.  When I went back and read through a few posts I found I skipped around any matters of the heart and stuck to the topic of my Johnny and his brothers.  This then  became a sort of escape.  Then my life could appear only funny, and not sad.  Tears of a clown, isn’t that what they say.

With my heart not in it, blogging was more of a chore.  Even though I really, really love a good story, followed by a big ol belly laugh, while ignoring the contents of my heart it was becoming too difficult.

Around the 16 month anniversary of Madeline’s death I was overwhelmed with fresh grief and sadness.  The thought that she had been gone from this earth as long as she had graced and blessed us brought a wave of emotion.  This mixed with the memories of her last moments haunting my days.   I felt a certain anxiety pushing me to try to assign words to these feelings.   Instead of thinking what readers wanted to read, I listened to my heart.

So I chose this post I wrote in March, 2011, at the 16 month anniversary of Madeline’s death.  I have since been told on many occasions that I write from my heart.  But that has not always been true, I can pinpoint when my writing shifted.  This, I believe,  was my first product of listening to the calm place in my heart and not all the noise in my head.  And in that calm place I dumped the contents of my shattered heart into this post and the words seemed to flow.  Fluid but raw.

It is entitled, “Sweet 16, Baby Girl”.

Almost a year has passed and my heart has moved from the sharp pain of shattered fragments to an ache of longing and emptiness.  I feel that I no longer remember  who I was before Madeline was born let alone the person I was before she died.

Pouring my heart out in this space has helped put a few pieces back together.    As you know by now, that post was just the beginning and I continue to write about Madeline, her life, and my life after loss.  At times it is very raw and other times my heart simply overflows with love and my sweet memories

I still struggle with many “if-only’s” and “what-if’s.”  Unloading some of this has brought unexpected rewards.  Instead of people running away in droves I have actually developed relationships with others, some struggling with a similar loss, some who just have a better understanding of my world and strong shoulders.

It is difficult to quiet all of the noise.  To make any sense of how and why this is now my life.  I don’t know if this is something my mind can answer because in matters of the heart, there is a voice from the broken pieces, trying to be heard, if only one will  listen.


Filed under Precious Baby Girl

Cause I’m YOUR Mom…



Monday, Monday, Monday…What have you done for me lately? Except for that familiar feeling of screws being tightened really, really tight on either side of my head, I would have to say…NOTHING! But in all fairness, I don’t know who can claim the clamp on the screws, Monday or The Brothers.   They all are excellent handymen!  Very adept with the ol’ screwdriver, that’s for sure!

Depends on the Monday and which Brother, I suppose. Since everything is supposed to be all equal and no one EVER feeling left out I BLAME ALL OF THEM!!!! Cause that’s the kind of stand up Mom I am.

The screw began to turn slightly last night when Little Brother, wouldn’t stop his Irish jig and dropped my Kindle Fire HD on the ceramic tile…not a good combo;

Big Brother took his turn on the screws with the Science Fair project that won’t go away and Oh by the way, apparently points are deducted if you do ANYTHING other than the day before. Guess he’ll have an A Plus.

We’ll have plenty of time to discuss as he burns the midnight oil studying for a test he discovered at 9:00 p.m.  Guess penalties also apply for any early test preparation.  He’s really adding up some extra credit in the last minute, fly by the seat of my pants, make my mother scream category…I think that should be added to the grade card…then my boy can be creme de la creme.  Oh and Big Brother, thanks for that, that one screw was getting a little lose, so the tighter the better, I say.

And then there’s my Johnny, what would we do without my Johnny..I might just have to say he gave those screws on final, really tight go. Because we just can’t stay away…there we were… RELIGION Class!!!

I guess Johnny got wind of today’s events at the Vatican, because he tried to jump on the Pope’s Bandwagon to announce…”I want out of this program…I don’t think it’s my thing.”

Yeah, well, I DO…cause I didn’t schlepp you and your brothers to Mass every Sunday for nothing.  And I don’t really care what the Pope’s Mommy let him do, but as for me,  I still got some sacraments coming my way. So guess, what, Johnny? The Pope… he may be getting out, but YOU?…YOU’RE NOT!!!!


Filed under Johnny P, Just Because...

Friday Fun – At the Disco


“I got the Boogie Fever…I think it’s goin around…”  That’s right, Dear Readers, it’s time for Friday Fun with Hilary at Feeling Beachie.  And this week I am all about a good time!  Wouldn’t you be?  I mean I’m the Dancing Queen and I’m gonna Shake my Groove Thing, and sing Stayin Alive at the top of my lungs!  Because I am GOING TO THE DISCO!  Yep, say it isn’t so, but the school is having a Disco Dance.  Can’t wait to bust a move.  Just wish I had some GoGo boots…or am I getting my genre confused?

This could be a money making venture, as well.  I wonder what it’s worth to The Big Brother for me to keep my Dancing Moves secret?  The Little Brother has no pride, he won’t care what move I bust, just as long as I let him fill himself with large amounts of sprite.

Johnny…he’s pretty much staging a protest.  “Nobody likes Disco.”  He’ll be the hit of the party.

Well, must get to the point if we are going to find a good spot on the Dance Floor.  I need lots of room!

So, here are the Four questions you have been anxiously awaiting my answers to.

This week’s statements:
1. When I am on the phone I have to ____
2. I have a ____
3. I started blogging to ________
4. My worst habit is _______

Survey says…

1.  When I am on the phone I have to pace around the house, I have a slight problem sitting still.  Lucky for The Little Brother, he seems to have inherited that little habit.

2.  I have a date to the Disco but NO GoGo Boots.  I will just have to dazzle with technique!

3.  I started blogging to share my adventures in autism and tell the story of my Sweet Madeline.

4.  My worst habit is I don’t know when to say when.  Maybe it would help if I would just sit still and think about it.

But no time to sit, I’m off to the Disco!  Happy Friday!  Have a drink on me.  Diet coke only at this party.  And remember, always but always SHAKE YOUR GROOVE THING!


Filed under Friday Fun, Just Because...